
Account Help

Welcome to the online help system of the Premium Billing System (PBS). The Help system is designed to launch from any location in PBS. If you have a question about a certain field or area of the system, simply click the help icon for further assistance.



Account Summary

At First Glance

When you first login to PBS, the account summary page is displayed. You will find most of your important account information here.

What to Look for

Here you can view:

  • Name and Address on the account
  • Account Status
  • Installments made and remaining
  • Current Amount Due
  • Intent to cancel and cancellation dates


Payment History

A Summary of Your Payment Actions

The payment history page shows all payments that have been applied to your account. This screen will show you the date the payments were posted, and the amount applied to your account.


Personal Information

Update Information

You may update your mailing address, main phone number and email address if needed.

Take These Easy Steps

  • - Update any information you'd like
  • - Add any new necessary information
  • - Click Save


Change Password

How Can I change My Password?

PBS requires strong passwords to protect your identity. The password rules govern the creation of a secure password. Passwords cannot contain any part of the login name, and must contain three of the following four elements: Lowercase letters, Uppercase letters, Numbers, Non-alphanumeric characters (i.e. #!$)

Change it with these steps

  • 1. Enter your old password
  • 2. Enter your new password
  • 3. Re-enter your new password
  • 4. Click the UPDATE PASSWORD button


Make a Payment

Pay on My Account

If you would like to make a payment on your account electronically, select the e-Payment option within PBS.

The Payment Options

Choose from the list of available payment options. After a selection has been made, click Next and follow the instructions to enter your payment information. The system will guide you through the process to completion.



Document List

Over the course of the life of your account, certain notices will be generated and delivered to you. The documents page will show you all documents that have been generated on your account and sent to you. If you would like to view / print any of the documents, simply click on a document listed in the grid.

Document Generation

All documents have been generated as a pdf file which you can open from any web browser or with any pdf viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.